


Being a successful learner means being successful at Mathematics. We want our students to be excited by maths and learn to value maths as a vitally important part of everyday life.

Students need to develop an understanding of how numbers work and improve their strategies for manipulating numbers mentally. Basic facts need to be recalled quickly and accurately.

However maths isn’t just about numbers. Mathematics develops students’ ability to problem solve, develop logic and reasoning, analyse, think critically and creatively and most importantly to solve problems correctly.

The Mathematics curriculum is divided into four areas – Number and Algebra, Measurement, Geometry and Statisics. We provide a balanced programme to ensure students are given the opportunity to progress across all areas.

Our teacher’s have high expectations for students’ achievement in mathematics and we encourage our students to have high expectations of their own work. Students have access to a range of equipment and are given opportunities to solve realistic problems relevant to their everyday lives.


Science is just as important as learning other subjects like mathematics and history. Because the subject is so vast, learning the basics right from your early learning days will enable you to decide whether you want to pursue a higher education in the subject.

Here we discuss some important aspects in our lives that are covered by this subject.


English is one of the most learning areas specified in the Tamil nadu matric Curriculum document. It is described as "The study, use and enjoyment of the English language and its literature, communicated orally, visually and in writing, for a range of purposes and audiences and in a variety of text forms." Literacy in English gives students access to the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to be effective communicators.

The Claribel School gives high priority to the teaching of Reading and Writing. We set high achievement expectations in our annual targets. Teachers assess regularly and use up to date information to inform their planning and teaching. We cater to individual needs, giving support and extension through differentiated grouping and personalised programmes.

In our classrooms you will see English in a variety of forms; reading, writing , oral language and visual language.


The school campus has large play ground that can support a variety of games and group activities


The school is the stupendous range of activities it offers to nourish and nurture the innate talents of the students.


Studying geography is an essential part of being a global citizen, as it has a huge impact on how civilizations form. Geography also helps students understand how the physical world works.

Geography is an important part of history and the modern age The modern world is also very globalized, meaning that different countries and individuals are connected through entertainment, communication and economy, such as products manufactured in China that are sold in the United States. Because of this, it is necessary for people to be aware and realize the importance of the world and its countries.

Understanding where countries are located, which in turn helps the learner understand basic cultural elements, is a great way to learn how the countries fit into global politics and economies.