Being a successful learner means being successful at Mathematics. We want our students to be excited by maths and learn to value maths as a vitally important part of everyday life.
Students need to develop an understanding of how numbers work and improve their strategies for manipulating numbers mentally. Basic facts need to be recalled quickly and accurately.
However maths isn’t just about numbers. Mathematics develops students’ ability to problem solve, develop logic and reasoning, analyse, think critically and creatively and most importantly to solve problems correctly.
The Mathematics curriculum is divided into four areas – Number and Algebra, Measurement, Geometry and Statisics. We provide a balanced programme to ensure students are given the opportunity to progress across all areas.
Our teacher’s have high expectations for students’ achievement in mathematics and we encourage our students to have high expectations of their own work. Students have access to a range of equipment and are given opportunities to solve realistic problems relevant to their everyday lives.